Iron Sharpens Iron


mission statement

We are a men’s connect ministry that meets regularly, encourages one another through God’s word, fellowship and worship. We partner with other churches/organisations to impact the community through outreach.

God's vision

We are called to uplift each other through prayer, praise, confession, devotion to Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Bible. Commissioned to go forth and bring the Good News of the Gospel to the poor in spirit, wherever we are called.

membership induction process

1. Member must nominate potential inductee, then another member must second nomination to begin process. (Gives member an opportunity to introduce inductee).

2. Inductee must read and sign membership contract. Contract will outline terms and conditions of membership.

3. Member may be required to undergo a 3 month probation period (at the discretion of leadership), prior to purchase of vest.

4. Vest is blessed and commissioned by members during ISI event, therefore signifying inductees call to service.

5. Member conduct must be aligned with terms and conditions.

terms and conditions

1. Members are expected to be attending a bible based church.

2. Members are expected to attend at least 50% of ISI sanctioned events in any calendar year. If 6 consecutive events have been missed (without reason) membership will be examined by leadership, and adequate action will be taken; either suspension, reassessment or membership revoked.

3. ISI sanctioned events; no alcohol. No illicit drugs. No coarse language.

4. Fees; $30 upon induction (or soon after) then every month.

5. Mentorship: Member must nominate another member or church affiliate to be there mentor. Both mentor & member must meet (or contact) either once weekly or fortnightly (minimum)

6. Member stepping down: Member chooses to step down from ISI ministry, vest will be surrendered, upon which %50 will be refunded. – Membership breach: If member has breached terms & conditions, Leadership will discuss next course of action; either membership cancellation, suspension or suitable course of action.

7. Grievance procedure: Member has a grievance with leadership another member or associate, and has not been able to reach an amicable agreement; the aggrieved will advise leadership. Leadership will arrange a convenient time for both members to meet (online or in-person) leadership will mediate between both parties, conflict will be identified, clear and concise communication between both and come to a resolution. If a resolution can not be reached, leadership will be advised at the next meeting to review grievance and course of action.

8. Mens Connect group rules: All connect groups are confidential and must have men only during meeting. Connect group leader will organise worship & a speaker. All groups must have a clearly stated beginning and end time. All groups will begin and end with prayer. At least a minimum of 15 minutes must be set aside for group or personal prayer.

9. Moral conduct. Members are to be free from alcohol and drug abuse or in recovery. Be in good standing of your church and in the community.